Sunday, May 3, 2009

The 5 Browns Concert

Mom, Anna, and I went to the Clarion Friday night to see the 5 Browns play. Mom and I were excited just to walk in and see 5 gorgeous Steinway pianos all on one stage! But on top of that the concert itself was incredible!!! The thought of 5 brothers and sisters who grew up playing piano, all went to Julliard, and travel around playing piano together was very exciting. I loved every second of the concert.

I left wanting to just go home and sit down at our piano and play...and miraculously sound like them. BUT that definitely isn't happening in the near future so I guess I'll have to be content to play what I can. Hopefully someday I'll be more dedicated and have time to play more often.

And I'm not going to lie, having a Steinway piano in my house might be some incentive...hint hint :)

Anyway, here is a link to their website if you want to check them out. If you get the chance to go see them perform...GO! (and take me with you)

On a side note my last two finals of the semester are tomorrow!!! I'm not really sure how I made it through a semester with 17 hours but I did and I will be SO glad to be done with finals!!! So now I need to go study...A.K.A. listen to the 5 Browns CD and kind of skim over my notes.